Tizzy Faller

I am supporting 'Creating My Cambridge' through helping develop resources, history trails and music workshops for Primary School children. This has included creating resources including powerpoints, laminates, puzzle trails and webpages for teachers and leading a variety workshops on singing, body percussion and composition as part of my role Historyworks.
I am also involved in organising and coordinating a variety of Historyworks events including workshops with artists and composers including Michael Rosen and Dave Cohen, as well as public events such as performances and workshops for Festival of Ideas, the Science Festival, History Festival and ChYpPS Summer events.
I have also being involved with the development of the local history trails for Primary Schools, including carrying out extensive research on a number of local Cambridge topics and helping design and develop the trail leaflets and associated resources on the local history topics for children to use in schools.
I am excited to currently be involved in the 'Rhyme, Rhythm and Railways' project with Historyworks Term and have been involved with the composition of a number of songs, collecting oral histories from a number of individuals and organising venues and events for our workshops and performances.
In my professional and personal life, I am involved in the arts in a wide variety of ways both in my work at Historyworks, as well as running a local community choir- Sing! Community Choir and enjoying the arts in my spare time at concerts, the theatre, mueums and art galleries.
Also, I am one of the founders of Sing! Community Choir and Shout Aloud! Children’s Choir have been involved actively involved with both the musical and pastoral sides of both choirs. I have also been heavily involved with Revelation Rock-Gospel Choirs, including being President of the Cambridge choir as a student and then becoming National Coordinator of the charity a number of years later. I have been involved with the running of the school choir at St. Philip’s School and developed music schemes of work whilst at Milton Primary School.
I studied Education with Drama and English (MA), followed by a PGCE in Early Years at the University of Cambridge. During my time as a Primary School teacher, I continued with my studies, completing an MEd in Researching Practice, researching creativity and dialogic teaching in my classroom, whilst being involved with the ChAT (Children Articulating Thinking and Learning) project, looking at meta-cognition and dialogic teaching in my classroom, as part of the Faculty of Education’s research. I have a real passion for facilitating children’s creativity in all areas of the curriculum and providing children with rich and inspiring experiences through the arts. I am currently training to be an arts-based therapist with children and young people at the Faculty of Education and studying the MEd in Child and Adolescent Psychotherapeutic Counselling.