Abbey Community Networking Lunch
Helen and Hilary both attended the Abbey Community Networking lunch, on Friday the 5th of April, to share information about the Chisholm Tales project and develop relationships for possible collaborative working.
It was really important to Historyworks that we invite in community organizations to team up with us to offer activity days in and around Abbey and Chesterton along the route of the Chisholm Trail phase one which goes from the new station and bridge over the River Cam, across the Stourbridge Fair meadows to the Leper Chapel and over the road to Coldham's Common. We shared the map and the geocaching trail we've produced to tempt people to explore the area using this free resource.
Also present were:
Angela Upton – Family worker @ The Fields Children's Centre - Working with 0-19 year old citywide
Roger Williams– Vicar @ Christ the Redeemer
Kirsty Manderson – Child & Family Centre worker @ The Fields Children's Centre - Working citywide
Melissa Howard – Family Worker
Dave Doggett – Chair Trustee of Abbey People
Chris Clements – Community Engagement Streets & Open Spaces – Cambridge City Council
Birgitta Laurent – Recycling Co-ordinator – South Cambridgeshire District Council - Currently working with Anglia Water to educate public about blockages
Paul Connelly – Youth and Community Coordinator – Cambridgeshire County Council - Runs the Community Reach Fund which is open to local community groups to apply for funding
Naomi Bennett - Green party candidate for Abbey - Green Party welcomes submissions regarding relevant local events to their newsletters
Groundwork Green Team Project - Instructors Andrea and Mike, Trainees Alfie, Andrew, Phil and Davidi
Clare Rosscornes– Abbey voices choir – Friendly, accessible local choir open to new members
Susan Mayes – Everyone Health – health services for adults, families, workplaces, and branching out into schools
Dan Mitchell – Play development officer - ChYpPS Cambridge City Council
Andy Richardson – Senior Teacher, Fen Ditton primary School
Becky Campbell – Community Development Manager - C3 church – running groups and event for children, families and adults including open lunches Fridays, English lessons, elderly exercise classes, mentoring schemes
Muriel Dahan - Local resident – has launched Laughter Yoga workshops this year, focused on de-stressing
Lorna McNeur – Abbey People Green Spaces Coordinator
Audrey Osborne – local resident and Stress and Open Spaces litter pick volunteer
Rita Eady – local resident
Mirella Teague - Care Network Cambridgeshire
Kat Walker – Police Community Support Officer - Cambridge City Centre
Anthony Marriott – Police Community Support Officer – South Policing team
Patrick Morris – Menagerie Theatre company – runs drama group for young mums in Abbey called 'Piece of cake '
Hilary Cox-Condron – participatory artist, local resident, Abbey People trustee – interested in arts and community cohesion
Helen Weinstein– History works – community historian running projects related to well-being, sense of place & identity
Simon Wall – Cambridge United Community Trust, Abbey People – sets up active and sports projects in Abbey including walking football, multi sport mash up, and runs event for Abbey People
Haf Davies– local resident – interested in arts & culture provision & policy
Mike Davey – Abbey people Trustee,And Chair of Governors at Abbey Meadows Primary School
Tansy Bruce – Active Lifestyles team – Cambridge City Council
Claire Nichols – Abbey People Community Worker and ChYpPS Project Worker
Updates from local projects and groups:
Training scheme for 18-60 year olds currently working in the Abbey area.
Dave Doggett introduced the team all of whom had come along. They have been doing some brilliant work in Abbey whilst developing their own skills and experience, including ; working on allotments to make accessible space, on the community orchard and the Barnwell shops grassy amphitheathre. There is still work to come on Jack Warren Green - they are currently making planters for the area.
Thursday 25th April – celebration event at Margaret Wright Community Orchard.
Paul Connelly – Cambridgeshire County Council, Youth and Community Coordinator
County Lines meeting - Wednesday 22nd May 6pm @ Barnwell Baptist Church
To raise awareness of County Lines, also how to report and what community members can do to help. Aim to make it impossible for County Lines to operate in the area.
Claire will forward info when ready.
Dan Mitchell - ChYpPS
Easter programme starts Monday 8th April - completely free.
Cambridge Community Scrapstore – based on Barnwell Business Park just off Barnwell Rd, art, craft and other scrap products - £5 for membership individual, then £1.50 for basketful. Lots of work has been done to the unit, re-launch Saturday 6th April – 1.30 – 4pm. Open Wednesdays term time 4pm – 7.30pm and 2nd Saturday of the month 1.30pm – 4pm. Follow on Facebook for details
Helen and Hilary – HistoryWorks
Public Engagement around Chisolm Trail – linking Cambridge North to Cambridge Central Station. Focuses on learning about past, present and future of Abbey and our environment. Including linking in to local curriculum.
- Relaunching Geo-caching – leaflet or phone to access. Will include some guided walks, contact Helen if you have a group that would like this.
- Will be at Abbey Environment day on 13 April.
- Plan to engage Michael Rosen
- Singing with children
Hilary will be using creative ways to help share the stories. Will use the artwork/stories to create hoardings along Chisholm Trail works. Invitation to collaborate. Also to get in touch if you know anyone with local stories. Contact at regarding this project.
Extinction Rebellion – Hilary is involved personally with this - peaceful movement for the planet regarding climate crisis. Invited people to get in touch if they would like to be involved.
Abbey People
Abbey Environment day – 13 April. Litter pick and more.
Big Lunch – Sunday 9 June. Simon and Claire organising. If you’re interested in doing something at that or volunteering on day please come along to meeting on Monday 8th April or BWednesday 15th May 7.45pm @ Barnwell Baptist Church, or email
Active Lifestyle Team – Cambridge City Council
Running Stronger for Longer event on Thursday 2nd May at CUFC – leaflets available or look out for posters in community noticeboards.
Dave Doggett – Sum Up.
Feels the community is working more closely together.
Potential for Abbey People to combine with East Barnwell Community Centre
Looking at converting van into coffee cart so that can engage with the community as a social enterprise.
Newsletter is out – copies available in library and East Barnwell, all households in Abbey will receive.
Encouraging new people to join. We need to encourage this. We should be really proud of the great work that’s happening.