Participate in HMD
Please join in our online events by contributing to the community commemoration. You can help in many ways, and we invite you to participate!
1. Light a candle and take a photograph for the civic event. Send us your photo so we can make an artwork of candle pictures to share with everyone. Submit your photo by Monday 31st May if you want it to appear on our giant candle screen we are preparing to mark International Refugee Week in June, but if you've time to take a photo of your face in the background cradling in the palm of your hand a tea candle or other small candle in the foreground for us to use for HMD when we'll launch the project please send to us by midnight on Monday 25th January if you want to include it alongside Michael Rosen's Candle HERE.
2. Draw a picture saying 'Hope' and send us a copy to display in our online exhibition, then stick your picture up in your window to share it with your neighbours. Same as above that we'll make a giant online exhibition for International Refugee Week for June, for which you'll need to submit by May 31st, but we will launch on Holocaust Memorial Sunday civic ceremony with Michael Rosen on January 31st to illustrate his new poem called HOPE, so for that please send to us by midnight on Monday 25th January Send to our exhibition dropbox HERE.
3. Write a poem on the theme 'Voices of Hope' to share with us, and your school, faith group, book group, community website. Sumbit to our exhibition dropbox HERE.
4. Join our virtual choir for 'We Are One World' by reading our instructions & using our video teaching the song and laying down a performance track, recording your voice singing a part, then submit your recording to our virtual choir dropbox HERE.
5. Donating to our fundraiser. All of these activities are to help us commemorate Holocaust Memorial Day and to raise money for those who are refugees or who do no have a home, so our fundraiser of making onlline exhibitions of photographs, pictures, poems, and our virtual choir, will run from Holocaust Memorial Day until International Refugee Week. So you can join in at any time, and donate at any time HERE!
Submit Candle Photo
For our Cambridge civic ceremony we would like to make an online collage of candles lit and held, almost cradled in the palms of Cambridge adult citizens and Cambridge children, as a way of showing people in solidarity with all those persecuted and discriminated against, victims of genocide in the present and in the past. To submit your photograph, please use the Historyworks dropbox, which is easy to do using this link HERE.
Contribute a Picture
Helen Weinstein, Director of HistoryWorks and Michael Rosen, Our Poet in Residence, invite you to contribute art to us online to illustrate Michael’s poem and to put up afterwards in your window
Pictures are for illustrating a film called HOPE with a song lyric by Michael Rosen for a new poem called VOICES OF HOPE
These artworks need to be A4 landscape so they can be scanned or photographed the shape of a film/computer screen! Pictures to be very bold & we would like YOUR pictures to display words. So you can have fun with fonts and colours that shout out HOPE
HOPE (we want this to be in a big bold letters + we’ve a suggestion you can show rainbows as a national icon of hope)
VOICES OF HOPE (we want these as colourful lettering + we suggest you can include people, families, protestors, children showing your figures speaking their voices of hope)
MESSAGES OF HOPE (we want HOPE in big lettering and central in your picture + we suggest word is surrounded by your happy messages or pictures to make others smile)
CANDLES OF HOPE (we want a big candle featuring the colour purple + suggest you show 6 candles in purple because we will be commemorating Holocaust Memorial Day with purple lights in Cambridge and we’ll light 6 candles on the day we release the film of Michael Rosen's new film with your illustrations)
When you've completed your Art you just take a photograph and submit into a dropbox via link =
Please do NOT put your name on the front of the artwork otherwise we cannot use it in the film. However, you put your name as the file name when you submit it, so that we can credit you for your contribution. If you submit more than one picture into the dropbox you can therefore name them eg if two as follows:
MichaelRosen1 MichaelRosen2
Good Luck! Helen Weinstein & Michael Rosen
HistoryWorks in Cambridge
Voices of Hope Poetry
As our Poet in Residence, Michael Rosen, has recorded a poetry collection about his journey to find out about his family's experience in the Holocaust, and poems to challenge racism and prejudice. We've run workshops in Cambridge schools and encouraged over 4,000 young people to write their own poem, song, rap in response to these themes.
To find the resources with Michael Rosen's poems which Historyworks has recorded for our schools to use as a resource, you can find this group of readings on the Audioboom channel at Historyworks here:
This year, it is harder to visit schools in person, because of the covid situation during lockdowns, so instead at Historyworks we've made a series of films, where a Michael Rosen shares top tips on how he goes about starting a poem about a subject that involves feelings, painting pictures in his mind, and then thinking up phrases and things he could say, like words of comfort, almost writing a letter to another person, and many examples, which you can see in this video we've made:
This year, the theme we've chosen is HOPE. We are inviting young people and school children, and the general public to please respond to this theme, and to write your own poem or song or rap and share it with us! For our civic event to mark Holocaust Memorial Day, our title is VOICES OF HOPE and for this special occasion, Michael Rosen has a new poem commissioned which starts:
HOPE lyrics by Michael Rosen
Hope is in the eyes of love
Hope is in the smiles we see
Hope is in the trees that grow
Hope is in the heart of me
When the slow sad times come
you need a place to go
When the slow bad times come
you need someone to know
Join in Virtual Choir
We are One World Virtual Choir
We are asking singers to participate in a virtual choir video (both adults and children) to record themselves singing parts in an uplifting song called ‘We Are One World, One Voice, One Heart Beating’. To join in, you can just learn one phrase to contribute your voice! Instructions with the lyrics and teaching videos, top tips on ‘how to’ record and submit your recording, plus a consent form for under 18s. Deadline is midnight Friday 16th April.
To make this all possible, you will be singing along with a performance track. This helps everyone stay in time. There’s one performance track for each of the three parts/verses - please record one or two or all three if you are willing and able to sing all 3 verses!
These instructions will tell you all you need to know to record and submit your videos, in a way that helps our team combine your submissions to form an amazing virtual choir! If you don' have time to do this now, but you would like to participate, please know that there is another opportunity as we will make it into a big screen virtual choir during the Spring ready to make a fundraiser film for Refugee Week, so the channel will stay open for you to submit your recordings anytime between now and Friday 16th April. Enjoy! See info below:
We Are One World Lyrics
Part 1
We are one world, one voice, one heart beating
We are one world, one voice, one heart beating
Part 2
Everybody living in this world
Everybody’s got a voice, let’s use it
Everybody living in this world; One heart beating
Part 3
We are one world – we are one heart beating
We are one world – one heart beating
Quick start
- You need two devices - one to take a video of you singing (e.g. a phone), the other to play the performance track (e.g. a laptop).
- You should listen to the performance track with headphones while you’re singing.
If you’re recording as a group, everyone should take their timings from the person listening to the performance track. - Stand so the best light in the room lights up your face (not the back of your head). Make sure the video camera is in landscape and pointing at you, then start a video recording.
- Start the performance track for your part playing over your headphones.
Clap your hands in front of your face when the track tells you to.
You’ll get the starting note for your part.
What you do from here will be seen in the final video! ?
Wait a few seconds before the song starts. - Look at the camera, smile and sing along with the music! Relax, any imperfections will be hidden by the time it all comes together
- After the song is done, smile at the camera and wait a few seconds before stopping the video recording.
- If you’re happy with the result, send the video in following the instructions below. If not, go again - but it doesn't have to be perfect!
If your video includes children under 18, please also submit the consent form signed with name of under 18 & your signature with your video.
TEACHING VIDEOS -1 per PART (i.e. 3 verses)
Try and position yourself so that your head and shoulders are in the shot.
Your eyes should be about ? of the way up the screen.
Your face should be better lit than the background. The best way of doing this is to stand facing the window, or other light source.
Having a window to the side of you is OK, but if you can, turn on a light on the other side of you to prevent too much shadow.
Never stand with your back to the best light source in the room, or you’ll look like a kidnapper in a ransom video.
Record at the highest quality level and the highest frames per second (fps) as your camera allows. Not every camera has these options. There’s no need for more than 30fps.
We’re using a service called Dropbox to collect all your files. You do not need to have a Dropbox account, just follow the steps below.
Video files are big.They can be slow to send, and use a lot of data to do so.
It’s best to be on WiFi when uploading videos.
Using a web browser, go to this address on the phone, tablet or computer that you used to record your video:
You should see something like this:
If you don’t see this screen, make sure you’ve typed in the address exactly as you see it above (capital and lower-case letters are important)
Click or tap ‘Add files’. You’re trying to find the thing you just recorded and choose it.
What you see next may not look exactly like the photos below, but will depend on the type of phone or laptop you have.
iPhone or iPad (example)
Take a look at this example video for iPhone:
Look for videos within your Photo Library:
Tap the video that you want to send, then tap ‘Done’:
Samsung / Huawei / Google or other Android phone (example):
Take a look at this example video for Android:
Choose from the Files on your phone. If you don’t see what you’re looking for, you may need to check the menu in the top left.
Try tapping Videos and then find and tap the video you want to send.
Fill in your name and email address. Once you’re done, it should look like this:
Click Upload. Your video is now being sent. This may take a while…
Once it’s done, you’ll see something like this:
Congratulations! You’re all done!!
Donate To FundRaiser
The charities that we hope to support again this year, and encourage our participants to donate to, are the following:
Cambridge Refugee Support Services at CECF (Cambridge Ethnic Community Forum):
Cambridge Refugee Hardship Fund about:
Cambridge Refugee Hardship Fund donate:
By making cheques payable to Cambridge Ethnic Community Forum or into CECF Lloyds Bank Account, Sort Code 30-13-55. Account number for CECF is 02959873. Gift Aid forms can be provided on request. The Address for Cambridge Refugee Hardship Fund at Cambridge Ethnic Community Forum is 16 Arbury Court, CB4 2JQ and you can email to request Gift Aid Form via:
Cambridge Convoy Refugee Action Group
CamCRAG (Cambridge Convoy Refugee Action Group) who we are:
CamCRAG donate:
Jimmys Cambridge = Supporting People Experiencing Homelessness
Jimmys about us:
Jimmys donate: