Fitzwilliam Museum: The Listening Lions
Michael Rosen, the poet and writer and broadcaster, has written a wonderful poem commissioned by Historyworks for Cambridge children called "The Listening Lions" about the four monumental stone lions that sit either side of the main door to The Fitzwilliam Museum on Trumpington Street. Scroll down to find the poem and accompanying songs.
Creating My Cambridge invites you to compose your own pieces, songs, raps, poems, dramas, stories inspired by the stone lions - what they may see and hear - reclining by the steps of the Museum for almost two hundred years.
To help your getting creative we have some historical information in the HISTORIES section on this website here:
We've asked the composer Kirsty Martin to compose some rounds using Michael Rosen's words about the lions which will be for the participating primary singers to learn, especially the one called "The Fitz Trip Trap" . There are scores and lyrics and sound files to help with this set out in the sections of sub pages below. Also, there is the wonderful song using all the words in Michael Rosen's poem called "The Listening Lions" which has been composed by Kirsty Martin and scored by Colin Douglas. Enjoy!
Also, Historyworks has grouped some photographic illustrations of the lions and Michael Rosen here:
Michael Rosen's Poem
Here is an audio file of Michael Rosen reading his poem "The Listening Lions", recorded for the Cycle of Songs project by Historyworks. You can also read about Michael's thoughts on writing the poem.
POEM by Michael Rosen called THE LISTENING LIONS:
We hear your feet on the steps of the Fitz
trip-trap, amble, clamber or run
We hear you complain of wind and rain
We hear you laugh when you see the sun.
We hear you talk of war and peace
voices that come, voices that go
we hear of pockets full or empty
what you say is what we know.
We hear lovers’ whispers as you walk by
and sighs of sadness from deep inside
We hear sounds of fear in how you breathe
the hug of hope and the smile of pride.
We hear you wonder about our eyes
We hear you study our hard stone faces.
We hear you wonder if we slumber
like lions after hunting in far-off places.
We hear our dreams of other times
not then, or now, or here, or there
We hear a dream of how we rise
and breathe in the living air.
And we all four together as lions
walk the street, none last or first
to find the water that is ours
to help us quench this terrible thirst.
©Michael Rosen 2014

Michael Rosen on writing the poem

The Fitz Lion Round - Song lyrics & Audio & Score for Round
The Fitz Lion Round
The introductory song is a round based on the main concept of the poem, which is called "The Fitz Lion Round". This is for voices singing in unison and singers can be divided into one or two or three parts. The score shows where each part can come in, and you can also listen to it and learn by ear.
Please find on this page the following resource for the song called The Fitz Lions - based on a poem by Michael Rosen, composed by Kirsty Martin, scored by Colin Douglas, Produced by Helen Weinstein, Commissioned by Historyworks
1. Score
2. Audio to learn the song by ear
3. Lyrics for the Song
The Fitz Lion Round -Unison Voices PDF
AUDIO - to learn the song by ear
Lyrics for "The Fitz Lion Round":We are the Listening Lions
We hear you walking the steps of the Fitz
Your voices come and go
What you say is what we know

Unison - The Fitz Trip Trap Round
Kirsty Martin has composed a fun round based on the refrain "Trip Trap Clamber Amble or Run" which we've called "The Fitz Trip Trap". In the first version, this is set out in the sound file and score to be sung by unision voices.
Please find on this page the following resource for the song called The Fitz Trip Trap Round - based on a poem by Michael Rosen, composed by Kirsty Martin, scored by Colin Douglas, Produced by Helen Weinstein, Commissioned by Historyworks
1. Score
2. Audio to learn the song by ear
3. Lyrics for the Song
Please also find below the lyrics, instructions for how to sing as a round in unison. Below there is also the more complex version with the same words and rhythm, but the round in two part harmony - have fun!
The Fitz Trip Trap Round - Unison Voice PDF
Audio for Round called The Fitz Trip Trap - for Unison voices
Based on a poem by Michael Rosen, composed by Kirsty Martin, scored by Colin Douglas, produced by Helen Weinstein, Commission by Historyworks.
Song Lyrics for The Fitz Trip Trap:
Trip-trap, Amble, Clamber or Run
We are the Listening Lions! ROAR!
Guide to Singing as a Round/ to match the Audio version for Unison Voices:

Harmony - The Fitz Trip Trap Round
This is a good round to learn once students have learnt the Unison version of The Fitz Trip Trap Round!
Guide to Singing to match the Audio version & Score for Harmony Voices:
The harmony comes in after everyone has sung the refrain in unison - this is reflected in the score.Score
The Fitz Trip Trap Round - Harmony voices PDF
Audio for version of Round called The Fitz Trip Trap for 3 part Harmony Voices:
Based on a poem by Michael Rosen, composed by Kirsty Martin, scored by Colin Douglas, Produced by Helen Weinstein, Commission by Historyworks

The Listening Lions Song - Audio & Score & Lyrics for Full Choir
The last score and sound files which Kirsty Martin has composed uses all the verses of Michael Rosen's lion poem. You will find the lyrics, score, and sound files in these resources as the last song. It is called "The Listening Lions" and it uses the elements of the rounds and builds these into a more complex piece. This is set out in sound files for singers to learn - part 1 is for high voices, part 2 is for mid voices, and part 3 is for low voices. The score shows how the rounds and the verses for 3 parts come together.
Please find on this page the following resource for the song called The Listening Lions Song- based on a poem by Michael Rosen, composed by Kirsty Martin, scored by Colin Douglas, Produced by Helen Weinstein, Commissioned by Historyworks
1. Score
2. Audio to learn the song by ear
3. Lyrics for the Song
The Listening Lions Song - Harmony voices PDF
Here is the AUDIO so you can listen to the song composed by Kirsty Martin based on the poem by Michael Rosen
We are the Listening Lions
We hear you walking the steps of the Fitz
Your voices come and go
What you say is what we know
Trip-trap, amble, clamber or run
We are the Listening Lions - ROAR!
We hear your feet on the steps
We hear you moan about the weather
We hear you laugh when you see the sun - ROAR!
We hear you talk of war and peace
We hear you pockets full or empty
what you say is what we know - ROAR!
We hear you whisper, We hear you sigh
We hear the hug of hope and the smile of pride
We hear the hug of hope and the smile of pride
We hear you studying our faces
We hear you wonder if we slumber
Like lions hunting in far-off places - ROAR!
And we are dreaming of other times
We hear a dream of how we rise
and breathe in the living air - ROAR!
And we all four together
walk the street, none last or first
to find the water
to help us quench this terrible thirst - ROAR!