The Holocaust Memorial Day Trust (HMDT)
The Holocaust Memorial Day Trust (HMDT) is the charity that promotes and supports Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD). 27 January is the day for everyone to remember the six million Jews murdered in the Holocaust, and the millions of people killed in Nazi Persecution and in subsequent genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia, and Darfur. 27 January marks the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, the largest Nazi death camp.
For more information about the trust and their excellent educational resources, please visit their website
HMDT Resources
Super helpful definition of Genocide (described as a process on flow chart, and Historyworks has copies of these teacher packs with poster resources, so just ask if you want some copies):
See also online historical case studies, which you can search via genocide eg Rwanda - see:
Each student group can be given a testimony from a genocide survivor (using HMDT biogs) which are very helpful in their section called LIFE STORIES which include survivors from Nazi persecution, Cambodia, Bosnia, Rwanda, Darfur:
There is also a great project for 2018 to write a postcard to a survivor because students can then develop their postcard thoughts into a piece of poetry about the experience of that survivor - see: