How To Make A Junk Band
Historyworks invites you to create your own junk band with a variety of piece of junk!
To create your junk band you first need to find some junk! Some junk you can easily find round your house or school, especially things that have ended up in your recycling bin!
Here are some ideas of junk you might find round your house:
Fizzy pop bottles, plastic tubs, biscuit tins, bamboo sticks, dustbins, dustbin lids, recycling boxes
You also can find some fantastic and unusual things at your local Scrapstore. ChYpPS Community Scrapstore in Cambridge is a great place to look! Visit for opening times and to find out more information.
See the lesson plan below for how to create your own junk band as a group. You can scroll down below on this page to view the Lesson plan and to see some music sheets with suggested rhythms.
You can also view the Lesson Plan and download the pdf here.
You can also download the music sheets for rhythms with EXAMPLE ONE here and EXAMPLE TWO here.
Junk Band Lesson Plan
Junk Band Lesson Plan
Teacher: Bethany Kirby |
Year: 3-6 |
Subject: Music Theme: Creating and performing as a junk band |
Time: |
No. of children in class: |
Notes: |
Learning Objectives:
Vocabulary: Junk band, percussion, ways of playing (beat, tap, scrape, shake, slide), pitch, volume, timbre, rhythm, layers, pulse/beat, conductor. |
Key Questions:
Junk percussion instruments: these can consist of all sorts of junk that you might find around your house or school or be able to source locally. See the Historyworks junk band webpage for ideas on how to get hold of junk items:
You can also make your own easy percussion instruments, e.g. visit this page to learn how to make a simple shaker:
Ensure that all instruments and beaters are safe to use – wash them, sand down any sharp edges and cover splintered ends or other hazardous areas with tape.
Before you begin the lesson: split the junk instruments which you have collected into three sets, grouping together those with roughly similar properties. For example, you could have:
Learning Activities |
Starter: Explain that today we will be creating our own junk band out of pieces of junk percussion. Ask: What do you think we could use to create our junk band? Show children a clip of a junk percussion performance eg. From Stomp the Musical: |
Activity 1 (25-30 minutes)
* beating with beaters or palms of hands; * tapping with sticks or fingertips; * scraping with sticks or fingertips; * shaking (for instruments which rattle, e.g. home-made shakers); * sliding (e.g. dustbins or tubs across a smooth floor). Different parts of the instrument can be played, e.g. the middle, the rim and the lid of an upturned dustbin, or two sticks or beaters hit against each other, or the beater or instrument hit against the floor. Suggest any ways of playing which children have not thought of.
* Pitch: is one sound higher-pitched or lower-pitched than another? * Volume: is one sound louder or quieter than another? * Timbre: do the sounds have different qualities or colours? Can you find words to describe these? (e.g. warm, harsh, tinny, resonant etc.)
Activities 2 & 3 (50-60 mins)
N.B. If time, space or adult assistance is short, you can explore all the different types of junk percussion together in one group; children may not get a chance to try every type of instrument in this case.
Activity 4 (up to 1 hour)
In each of the examples above, the second rhythm is syncopated. This adds interest to the layered rhythms, and is a good challenge for more musically able children. However, it can be replaced with a simpler rhythm if required.
* Stop playing for 4 beats, then start again (clenched fist; count down with fingers on one hand to indicate when the 'stop' will happen); * Play just on the first beat of the bar (hold first finger of one hand up; count down with fingers on other hand to indicate when this will happen, and then to indicate how many more times to repeat it before reverting back to the usual rhythms); * One group to stop playing while others continue (move to one group and snap your hands shut); * One group to start playing again (point or wave at the group); * End of the piece (two clenched fists; count down with fingers to indicate when it will happen)
TA ROLE: lead one of the three groups for Activities 1-3. During whole group activities, assist less able children. Help to keep the beat during whole group playing/performance, e.g. by playing a loud instrument (rubber drum or dustbin) on the first beat of each bar. |
Differentiation: Children will work in 3 groups for most of the session. More able children can be encouraged to invent/play more complicated rhythms, and to assist less confident children. |
Support: Play very simple 4-beat rhythms with assistance if struggling. |
Core: Start with just one or two different ways of playing each instrument, and with very simple 4-beat rhythms. |
Extension: Introduce more complicated rhythms and/or ways of playing as children grow in confidence. More able/confident children can take the turn of 'conductor' of the band. |
Success Criteria: I can keep a steady pulse whilst playing my 4 beat rhythm. I can display control and accuracy when repeating my 4 beat rhythm. I can watch the conductor and follow their directions. I can listen to the other sections of the band and adjust my volume as needed. |
Assessment Opportunities: - Individual sharing of ideas for ways to play the junk percussion instruments. - Individual sharing of 4-beat rhythms on the junk instruments. - Group performance as junk band. - Recording of performance on audio recorder/video recorder/tablet |