Michael Rosen Film About his Fitz Lion Poem & Advocating Creative Practice
Michael Rosen charts the journey from historical landmark to creativity through his own poetry and other artists who demonstrate a variety of interpretative methods when Michael leads primary schools for a Historyworks session and launches 'Creating My Cambridge' - introducing poetry, song, rap and body percussion - inspiring young people to get creative with words and sounds - blending past and present in Cambridge.
Credits and thanks
Historyworks devised and organized a session at The Fitzwilliam Museum and created this film, directed & produced by Helen Weinstein, camera & edit by Ross Casswell, sound & mix by Jon Calver, interns/2nd cameras: Miles Deverson, Sam Johnson, Tiia Sahrakorpi. "The Listening Lions" poem was written and performed by Michael Rosen. Lion songs were composed by Kirsty Martin based on Michael's words. Freestyle rap was by Inja. Body percussion by Tizzy Faller and Mario Satchwell of CaMEO. Schools participating were the Yr 5 & 6 of the King's Choristers, the Yr 6 Chamber Choir of Milton Road Primary, the Yr 5 of St Phillip's Primary, and Yrs 4-6 of the Milton Village CE Primary Choir.
We are grateful to all the artists and teachers and students, but especially to Rachel Sinfield and her superb education team at The Fitzwilliam Museum who hosted our creative session. Thanks to all at Historyworks who have given artistic input and to the funders at CaMEO who are helping to visit schools and will host a creative concert for Cambridge families on 8th March 2015 with content devised by Historyworks and co-created with Cambridge young people to showcase their compositions, poems, songs, raps, stories, animations. Big thanks to the John Lewis Cambridge Music Award for funding the historyworks outreach visits with Cambridge Primary Schools for the Lions and the accompanying website resources at Historyworks project pages, free for family, children and their teachers to use.