Teacher Resources for Primary Schools
Below are a number of resources to help you with your History topics, including Then and Now maps of the local area surrounding Cambridge Primary Schools, lists of Historyworks resources on the themes of Victorian and Tudors & Stuarts with hyper-links to the resources on the Creating My Cambridge website and beyond.
Schools History Trails
Below are the drafts Schools History Trails for use with your classes, which are currently are a work in progress and not fully complete at this stage. Click on the links below to download the draft of your school's trail:

Then and Now Maps
Below are sections of the 1888-1913 Cambridge OS map and google maps showing the area surrounding a number of local Primary Schools.
To view and explore the interactive online OS and google maps side by side website yourself visit:
Click on the hyperlinks below to download a copy of each of the sections of the 1888-1913 Cambridge OS map and google maps:
Abbey Meadows
Then and Now Maps Side by Side
Milton Road
Then and Now Maps Side by Side
Then and Now Maps Side by Side
Then and Now Maps Side by Side (Close Up)
Then and Now Maps Side by Side (Close Up)
Then and Now Maps Side by Side
St. Luke’s
Then and Now Maps Side by Side
St. Matthew’s
Then and Now Maps Side by Side (Close Up)
Then and Now Maps Side by Side
St. Philip’s
Then and Now Maps Side by Side
St. Paul’s
Then and Now Maps Side by Side

Tudors & Stuarts History Topic Resources
Below are a list of links to resources about Cambridge local History stories and songs/poems to accompany them.
King’s College Chapel-
History page:
Song: The Hunt is Up
Elizabeth I Visits Great St. Mary’s and King’s College
History page: http://www.creatingmycambridge.com/history-stories/great-st-marys/
Video of Reenactment of Elizabeth I’s visit:
Song: http://www.creatingmycambridge.com/songs-creative/great-st-marys/
Thomas Hobson-
History page:
Songs: http://www.creatingmycambridge.com/songs-creative/hobsons-choice/
Reformation- Burning Martin Bucer
History page: http://www.creatingmycambridge.com/songs-creative/resources/local-history-topics/burning-bodies-in-tudor-times/
Song: http://www.creatingmycambridge.com/songs-creative/tudor-burning-bucer/
Cambridge Coat of Arms-
History page: http://www.creatingmycambridge.com/songs-creative/resources/local-history-topics/cambridge-coat-of-arms/
Song: http://www.creatingmycambridge.com/songs-creative/cambridge-coat-of-arms-sea-horses/
Oliver Cromwell’s Head-
History page: http://www.creatingmycambridge.com/history-stories/cromwells-head/
Song: http://www.creatingmycambridge.com/songs-creative/cromwells-head/

Victorians History Topic Resources
Below are a list of links to resources about Cambridge local History stories and songs/poems to accompany them.
Victorian Coronation Feast on Parker’s Piece-
History page:
Song: http://www.creatingmycambridge.com/songs-creative/parkers-piece/
Charles Darwin at Senate House-
History page: http://www.creatingmycambridge.com/history-stories/charles-darwin/
Song: http://www.creatingmycambridge.com/songs-creative/darwins-theory-of-evolution/
Eglantyne at Magdalene Bridge- Social Reformer and Founder of Save the Children-
History page: http://www.creatingmycambridge.com/history-stories/eglantyne-jebb/
Song: http://www.creatingmycambridge.com/songs-creative/eglantyne-jebb/
1849 Market Fire-
History page: http://www.creatingmycambridge.com/songs-creative/resources/local-history-topics/great-market-fire-of-1849/
Cambridge Museum of Technology-The Victorian Pumping Station-
History page: http://www.creatingmycambridge.com/history-stories/cambridge-museum-of-technology/
Songs: http://www.creatingmycambridge.com/songs-creative/cmt-pumping-station/
Coprolite Mining for Pterosaur Poo-
History page: http://www.creatingmycambridge.com/history-stories/coprolite-mining/
Songs: http://www.creatingmycambridge.com/songs-creative/flying-pterosaurs/
Michael Rosen 'Coldham’s Common' Poem: http://www.creatingmycambridge.com/songs-creative/flying-pterosaurs/#coldhams-common-by-michael-rosen
Michael Rosen’s 'Pterosaur Poo' Poem: http://www.creatingmycambridge.com/songs-creative/flying-pterosaurs/#michael-rosens-pterosaur-poo-poem
Coming of Railways-
History Page: http://www.creatingmycambridge.com/history-stories/the-coming-of-the-railway/
Poem- From A Railway Carriage by Robert Louis Stevenson audio recording 003 From A Railway Carriage (original poem) and examples of Y5 children creating own poem inspired by original: http://www.creatingmycambridge.com/multimedia/ridgefield-primary-school-year-5s/
Michael Rosen’s Poem- 'Hand on the Bridge': https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4sCaAFkcwI
Chesterton Mills-
History page: http://www.creatingmycambridge.com/history-stories/chesterton-mills/
Campaign for Degrees for Women in 1897-
History page: http://www.creatingmycambridge.com/songs-creative/resources/local-history-topics/unsung-women-1897/
Gwen Raverat- Wood Engraver and Artist (Charles Darwin’s granddaughter)
History page: http://www.creatingmycambridge.com/history-stories/gwen-raverat/
Lions at the Fitzwilliam Museum
History page:
Songs: http://www.creatingmycambridge.com/songs-creative/the-listening-lions/
There are also some resources available on BBC Radio Learning site on the links below
- Victorian children working in coalmines - The Trapper
- Poor Victorian children - Street children
- Victorian children working as chimneysweeps - Up the chimneys
- Victorian children working in service - The maid
- Life in a wealthy Victorian family - A comfortable life?
- Victorian railways
- Victorian inventions
- Famous Victorians: Isambard Kingdom Brunel
- Famous Victorians: Mary Seacole
- Famous Victorians: Dr David Livingstone